Ready to Explore New Possibilities?


Companies making good strategic and inventory choices can leap ahead of the competition. Our framework for finding the right product, opportunities, pinpointing gaps and keeping you lean helps many companies find new opportunities, and realign to move you in a positive direction. 

Please contact Pangea Trading at your convenience for an initial consultation. We’ll work with you one on one to determine a roadmap to success. We look forward to working with you soon.

​Call Today: 207-812-1569 Direct or 207-326-2032 Office


There is a unique blend of strategy and organizational behaviors needed to extract the right product for each individual business. Only when all components are aligned and linked into a cohesive model does the business really kick into gear. We work with all of our clients, buyers and suppliers alike, to find the missing puzzle piece and assure they get exactly what they need. 


Corporations search for profit; individuals need greater purpose. The Container Effect results from people embracing corporate value structures that overlook or conflict with their personal belief systems. With Pangea, we reestablish a connection between our work and our larger sense of purpose. Pangea Trading works for you and with you. We truly want to see you successful and strong. Your success means everything to us.

Pangea Trading takes a very active approach in understanding your companies’ needs from the beginning. Our process is sitting down and talking with our clients more than it is findings and recommendations. We peel back the layers; achieving a deeper level of understanding. 

We achieve that understanding through careful listening as clients explain their market. We rely on our experience, the experience of other clients and our own intuition. And we use all that information, along with the clients’ knowledge and insight, to clarify and co-create solutions.

We value long-term relationships. Once a business transaction is arranged, we want things to work smoothly, with plans and strategies that are implemented and sustainable.

Our Approach