Global Networking

Getting the right global talent means balancing culture fit and business model fit between the home country and the away country. This speaks to really understanding the issues that the company faces in the local market. 
Pangea Trading brings an expansive worldwide network to the table. Our network of business relationships share the same core values that we at Pangea work so hard to maintain. Pangea allows you to tap into our expansive network of businesses all while working with the same people you know and trust. 

What stamps do you need to have in your passport to global success? It takes more than just going there and being there, although that is a start. Companies and their leaders must have different knowledge: in addition to knowing the exchange rate, it helps to understand the needs of the local markets, the role of regulators, and the cultural climate. Pangea Trading does all of the necessary groundwork to carefully select its import and export clients to assure we attract businesses with same core values.

Why do you care about culture? Culture can help or hinder the achievement of your goals. Culture can hold an organization together in tough times. Culture can create the internal alignment that enables you to reproduce the customer experience at different times in different places. Companies with strong cultures can differentiate themselves in the market and deliver superior business performance. With Pangea Trading you not only gain a partner but you become part of multicultured global business that continues to expand its network and wants nothing more than to see your business succeed. 

Pangea Trading offers container load quantities for importing into the United States and exporting to virtually any country of your choice. Chose the port that best fits your needs and we will find the best solution. 

Ready to Explore New Possibilities?

Please contact Pangea Trading at your convenience for an initial consultation. We’ll work with you one on one to determine a roadmap to success. We look forward to working with you soon.

​Call Today: 207-812-1569 Direct or 207-326-2032 Office